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Where to Upload Banner at Sympgonic Distrivution

DON'T BE LATE TO THE Political party!

Every bit you lot may already know, the editors and contributors here at the Symphonic Web log proceed up with all the latest greatest industry news.

Our excitement for the recently announced Spotify Codes is no different. You may accept already read our weblog commodity in May near the announcement of Spotify'south game-changing new feature for iOS and Android users.

We've put together the ultimate Spotify guide for musicians including all of the latest features, how to use them, and how to promote your tracks.

If this is withal news to yous, here are a couple quick spark notes to become you up to speed:

  • New fashion to share whatever track, album, artist, or playlist bachelor on Spotify
  • Easy equally scanning the code from a friend'due south telephone or printed somewhere
  • Tin load a screenshot taken of a code taken from Facebook or Instagram for example
  • Access Spotify Codes by tapping the "…" context carte within Spotify
  • Tapping the Code-enhanced artwork will allow you to save it to your device
  • Scan a Spotify Lawmaking past tapping the photographic camera icon to the correct of the Search Bar
  • Become ahead and scan the banner up top. It's like shooting fish in a barrel (I promise)

Now that you understand what Spotify Codes are and how they can be created/scanned, allow's continue and go creative!

One of my favorite aspects of creating and sharing Spotify Codes is in how the code generated automatically matches the color scheme of the comprehend art or profile picture that yous want to share. This aspect alone is heady considering it shows the attention to item that Spotify has shown in rolling out this new characteristic. Information technology as well gives the artist and indie labels an easier fourth dimension to exist artistic when using the codes on social media or printed mediums.

Hither are a few ways you can become creative with Spotify Codes:

  • Institute Seeds:The Spotify Code can exist practically whatsoever size to be scanned, and doesn't necessarily need to be directly below the contour picture or encompass fine art generated for you. With a little cropping or photoshop work, you tin can establish a code that looks like a waveform anywhere on social media. Throw information technology on your contour picture show. Use it in the banner. Heck, there'due south no shame in calculation your Spotify Code to the comprehend art on SoundCloud and creatively re-directing a little traffic dorsum to your Spotify profile.
  • Game of Codes – Save multiple codes to your phone to easily admission. Call up of saving codes of your Artist folio and latest album or single. You tin can even curate a playlist of music that vibes like to your releases, and and so sprinkle your ain music throughout; then save the code to that playlist. By having these codes already saved, information technology'll exist easy to share with friends and fans when yous're networking or gigging.
  • Physical Mediums – Planning on promoting a new single or album? I'm sure you plan on making enough of concern cards, stickers, flyers, or even physical CDs. Why not include the Spotify Lawmaking on all of those materials while y'all're at it? CDs are bully to hand out at gigs, just less and less devices support CDs, and they're easy to scratch. USBs are a neat culling, but can be plush, and once more, can only exist used on a computer and some auto stereos. A Spotify Code on the other hand tin instantly be pulled upwardly on any Android or iOS device, whether you have a free or premium Spotify account. Whatsoever streaming from that point will net you royalties too. That'southward passive income, my friend.
  • E-mail Signatures – Either you as an contained musician or indie label will be reaching out to plenty of manufacture contacts and blogs throughout your career. Most probable even replying back to fans and demo submission depending on what you use the electronic mail for. Why not cover every base and have the waveform portion of the Spotify Code within your signature? The more exposure, the better.
  • Instagram – By saving the Spotify Code to your phone, you'll exist able to upload the image to any of your social media pages. Instagram doesn't allow linking within posts, and then allowing people to take a screenshot of the code within Instagram and so loading it within Spotify, simplifies the sharing process.

Once again, beau readers, you are more than than welcome to employ the aforementioned list of ideas to your advantage. Information technology'south been a little over a calendar month since Spotify Codes were launched and we've been having a boom coming upwards with creative ways to use these codes for promotion-sake.

If you take any other ideas you lot'd similar to add together or want to prove off creative means you've incorporated Spotify Codes, allow'southward keep the conversation going in the comments beneath!


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